SEPAG Update:

The next SEPAG meeting will be on Monday, May 8th at 7pm at the BOE offices. There is also the option to join the meeting via Google Meet. We look forward to the meeting which will be facilitated by the SPF Department of Special Services. DOSS will lead a discussion on Middle School, focusing on topics specific to Special Education and Related Services, as students progress and transition from grades 4 to 5 and grades 5 to 6.

SPF Highlight:

As also featured in the  Superintendent's April Newsletter; Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School Seniors Earn Gold at Special Olympics

Here's a List of Special Education related resources, events and updates going on this week:

Sunday, Apr. 30th

Monday, May 1st

  • 10am-The ARC of NJ, College Programs in New Jersey. Join every Monday at 10am on Facebook Live for a brief (10-15 min) chat with Michael Pearson Jr., Director of Children's Advocacy at The Arc of New Jersey. Each week, Michael will discuss a topic related to special education and share helpful tips and resources for families. No registration is necessary, just visit the link above every Monday at 10am.

Tuesday, May 2nd

Wednesday, May 3rd

Upcoming: ( A couple of additions are included here. Most are the same from last week's communication)

Later Events

Monthly Themes:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May 7th-13th is Children's Mental Health Week- See resources from Parent Professional Advocacy League as shared by SPAN.

Rowan University and its Learning Resource Center share several resources that are available in support of Mental Health Awareness Month. Here are a couple: 

NJDOE Office of Special Education - Mental Health Support for Students with Disabilities 

May 14th -20th is Special Education Week in New Jersey. Governor's Special Education Week Proclamation (Pending)

In the News, Broadcasts  and other updates:

Tools you can use:

At your Leisure:

The Inclusion Think Tank-Episode 7: Inclusive Education, a Former General Ed Teacher's Perspective

Reading Nook:The Learning Resource Center shares a curated list of resources on the importance of mental health. 


Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info