SEPAG Update:

Our last meeting of this school year was on June 5th at theBOE Offices. The meeting was requested by SEPAG (based on parent input) and held in collaboration with the Department of Special Services. The High School Transition Forum was facilitated by Mrs. Andrea Tomesko (Supervisor of Special Services) and members of the High School CST. A range of topics were covered, including; Block Scheduling, Class electives, Clubs/Athletics, graduation requirements and more. For more detail the presentation slides can be reviewed here. The June SPF SEPAG  Meeting Minutes will be posted to the SEPAG site in the coming days and will give more detail inclusive of the Q&A portions of the presentation.  


SPF Highlight:

SPF Summer Reading Hub- Visit the link for Summer reading and literacy assignments, recommendations, and resources for Elementary through High School readers.


Here's a List of Special Education related resources, events and updates going on this week as well throughout the Summer:


Monday, June 12th

  • 10am-The Arc of NJ-Mondays with Michael: My Child Starts Kindergarten Next Year. Join every Monday at 10am on Facebook Live for a brief (10-15 min) chat with Michael Pearson Jr., Director of Children's Advocacy at The Arc of New Jersey. Each week, Michael will discuss a topic related to special education and share helpful tips and resources for families. No registration is necessary, just visit the link above every Monday at 10am.


Tuesday, June 13th


Wednesday, June 14th

Friday, June 16th

  • 12pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-Communication Skills Webinar. Communicating effectively with professionals that provide services to your child is key to obtaining and maintaining services. 

Upcoming & Summer activities

Paint by the Park

Paint by the Pond

Sensory Friendly Summer Camp


Monthly Themes:

Summer Learning Literacy


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. LRC shares several resources that are available in their Summer Learning Series that support literacy enhancement and development throughout the Summer:


Also, check out our local Libraries for resources that support Summer reading:



In the News, Broadcasts  and other updates:

Tools you can use:



At your Leisure:


Reading Nook:

As shared by the Fanwood Library: Read Together Be Together, where parents can find reading tips, book lists, and resources.


Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info

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