As we return from the winter break, here's an update from December. The SPF SEPAG held a parent/caregiver meeting on December 11th. Based on our purpose to share information in order to identify systemic issues, the SPF SEPAG Executive Board met with Dr. Mast and Dr. Rebimbas to communicate themes raised from the December meeting. Themes continue to align with those already established in Communication, Inclusion, and Transition.

The upcoming SPF Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SPF-SEPAG) meeting will be held January 8th at 7 p.m. at the Board of Education Offices at 512 Cedar St., Scotch Plains.At the request of SEPAG, Dr. Rebimbas, the Director of the SPF Department of Special Services (DOSS), and Supervisors Mrs. Diane Peneno and Mrs. Andrea Tomesko will provide updates and information relative to topics shared by SEPAG.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about the SPF-SEPAG, please join us in person, or virtually via this link.

Your Input Helps!

We continue to seek out ways to connect and gather feedback from Parents and Caregivers. Please share any information that may be helpful, via this form. It is one of the many means that the SEPAG uses to gather information. It can be used at any time and also ahead of our meetings to communicate relevant topics and information. Feel free to share with any other parents/caregivers that may find this communication useful. Case specific information should be shared with your child's Case Manager. 


Nettingham Middle School Word of The Month: 


Monday, Jan. 8th

10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-An Introduction to PerformCare. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes take place every Monday at 10am during the school year and feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr

Tuesday, Jan. 9th

3pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-Bridging Social Isolation: Unlocking the Power of Video Games for Individuals with Disabilities.  The AbleGamers Charity, an organization that fights social isolation through the power of video games. AbleGamers understands the high rates of social isolation faced by people with disabilities. They have made it their mission to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion by creating innovative platforms and partnerships that have resulted in thriving communities. 

Wednesday, Jan. 10th

12pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-The Importance of Inclusion Part 1. Why is inclusion of children with disabilities in schools, classrooms, and communities important? This webinar explores what inclusion is and what it is not, and who is involved in making meaningful inclusion successful.

7pm-NJEA-FAFSA 101: Ways to Pay for College. 

Thursday, Jan. 11th

12pm-SPAN Special Education Series-From Measurable Goals to Making Progress-Strategies to create IEPs with measurable annual goals as well as the required information regarding student progress.


Jan. 16th, 1pm-ADDITUDE-Live Webinar on January 16: How Seasonal Affective Disorder Uniquely Affects People with ADHD

Jan. 17th, 7pm-SPAN-Using a Strengths-Based Approach to an Inclusive Education

Jan. 23rd, 12pm-SPAN-AT Supports for Students with Hearing Impairments or Deafness

Jan. 16th, 1pm-ADDITUDE-Live Webinar on January 23: The Emotional Lives of Girls with ADHD

Jan. 24th, 1pm-Center for Parent Information and Resources-Ask An Expert - Special Needs Trusts

Jan. 25th, 6:30pm-Children's Specialized Hospital-Preparing your Child for Adulthood: Special Education Transition Rights - Children's Specialized Hospital

Jan. 30th, 7pm-SPAN-Look to the Future: Transition from school to adult life

Jan. 31st, 4:15pm-SPAN-The SPAN Youth Chat for Ages 14-26

Feb. 5th, 10am-The ARC of NJ-What is a Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)?


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information is a selection of some of the resources and information shared by the LRC as they highlight Awareness Themes for the month of January

National Braille Literacy Month

January is Braille Literacy Month, in honor of the birthday of Louis Braille, creator of the braille writing/reading system, who was born on January 4th, 1809. The observance raises awareness of the importance of Braille to the blind and visually impaired community.

12 things you probably don't know about braille | Perkins School for the Blind- Did you know there are two versions of braille or that braille can be used to write almost any language? Find out how many volumes Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is in braille, what the Braille Challenge is, and other trivia facts to share this month!

Is Braille Still Relevant in a High-Tech World? - A 5 minute video from the Perkins School for the Blind, highlighting secondary students and adults describing the significance of braille in their lives.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Freedom's Ring -Listen to Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech while exploring multimedia images and learning about its historical context. Interactive and engaging, with a plethora of information!

Students with King Virtual Tour | The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change -A 14-minute video tour of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, Dr. and Mrs. King's crypt, and Dr. King's birth home by MLK National Historical Park Ranger Marty Smith. Students will enjoy the many anecdotes about Dr. King at different ages!


National Mentoring Month

Each January, we celebrate the power of mentoring and encourage others to explore how mentoring programs can have a positive impact on society by enabling people and organizations to create more productive, engaged and satisfied individuals.Follow #MentoringMonth and #ThankYourMentor.

Best Practices for Mentoring Youth with Disabilities - Use this guidebook from the National Mentoring Resource Center to ensure your mentoring program is inclusive and supportive of youth with disabilities.  Includes an overview of the impact of mentoring youth with disabilities, examples of mentoring models, and best practices for supporting mentors and mentees throughout the process.

How Having Mentors Can Help Kids Who Learn and Think Differently -A resource from Understood for parents of children who learn and think differently, explaining the benefits of mentorship, types of mentors, and how to find a mentor for their child.

Setting Up a Mentoring Program to Encourage Students | Edutopia -Discover how one high school teacher created a classroom mentoring program and its positive impact on students.


NJ.GOV-Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Requiring Instruction on Grief to be Taught in New Jersey Schools

NJ.GOV-New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority Highlights Two Initiatives Supporting Murphy Administration's Comprehensive Efforts to Address Educator Shortage, Grow K-12 Workforce

US Dept of Education-Two Updated Documents Emphasize Need for Early Childhood Inclusion, Transition for Children With Disabilities


Center for Parent Information & Resources- Eligibility for Special Education under a Specific Learning Disability Classification

NJ DOE-Understanding the Special Education Process

NJ DOE- (For Educators)-NEW! Understanding the IDEA and FAPE in Relation to Functional Skills: A Guide for Teachers and Child Study Team Members


NJCIE- The Inclusion Think Tank Podcast:Episode 36: A Conversation About The New Jersey Inclusion Project.

SPAN-START Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities


Kindness is My Superpower-By Alicia Ortega


Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info

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