Our SEPAG is Looking to Connect With You

The SPF SEPAG has already made great strides this year and as we're looking to keep moving forward, we're interested in connecting with you!  Does your child have a 504 or IEP with the SPF School District (and either in-district or out-of-district placement)?  
If the answer is yes:
Do you want to help make a difference?  Do you want to help us pinpoint systematic issues in our district to help bring about change?  Is there something you feel your school or the district does well and want to build on that success?  Are you passionate about special education?

If so, please fill out either our Building Liaison Form or our Contact Form.
Building Liaisons are volunteers that are responsible for attending General SEPAG meetings (which are held in person and virtually) and other meetings as needed, sharing building updates, recruiting members, publicizing the SEPAG, collaborating with SEPAG and school administration, as well as other jobs as needed or discovered.  

Filling out our contact form is to let us know you are interested in SEPAG, possibly volunteering, and want to stay up to date on official SEPAG news with emails.

*Please note that this website is the only official place to get correct and current information on the SPF SEPAG.  We do not have any SEPAG official social media pages on any social media platforms.  Any information, recommendations, opinions or other posts on those pages are not representative of the SEPAG.