Here's a List of Special Education related resources, events and updates going on this week:
Monday, Mar. 6th, 10am
- The ARC of NJ-Occupational Therapy in School. Join every Monday at 10am on Facebook Live for a brief chat with Michael Pearson Jr., Director of Children's Advocacy at The Arc of New Jersey. Each week, Michael will discuss a topic related to special education and share helpful tips and resources for families. No registration is necessary, just visit the link above every Monday at 10am.
Tuesday, Mar. 7th, 6pm to 7pm
- The Arc of NJ-Out of District Placements Webinar: Presented by Hinkle, Prior & Fischer. In this workshop, parents will learn how placement decisions are made, what the important timelines are in the special education system, and the "Stay Put" provision of the law.
Wednesday, Mar. 8th
- 4:30pm The Span Youth Chat-Join to discuss connecting with Span and learning about resources to empower youth and young adults.
- 6:30pm-7:30pm SPAN- Preparing for Education after High School: Learn what should be included in your student's IEP to prepare for education after high school: college assessments, available programs, accommodations and more
Thursday, Mar. 9th
- 12pm-1:30pm SPAN-Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood
- 6pm-8pm ( In Person at 330 Central Ave, New Providence) Morris-Union Jointure Commission Transition Fair: This event provides opportunities for parents to network Adult service agencies and providers.
- 7pm-8pm Morris-Union Jointure Commission-Parent Awareness Workshop via Zoom-Online Tools to Support Reading Instruction and Language Skills: Attendees will learn how to access tools that can support students who are struggling readers with pictures, reading organization and writing development.
- Monday, Mar. 13th, 10am, The ARC of NJ-Physical Therapy in School
- Monday, Mar. 13th, 7pm-9pm, SPAN-Families, Schools & the Power of "We":This is an opportunity to meet virtually to exchange information and to discuss emerging topics and to learn about new initiatives.
- Wednesday, Mar. 15th, 7:30pm, JCC of Central NJ-2023 Pre-Tax-Day Seminar with Liz Kinstlinger- Register here to learn about Tax Deductions and Credits for Special Needs Families
- Wednesday, March 15th, 4pm- Scotch Plains Library-Read with a Therapy Dog-Our a Therapy Animal Program is geared for students in grades K-5 who want to practice their reading skills! This program is ideal for not just emerging readers, but all readers!
- Thursday, Mar. 16th, 6:00 pm SPFHS Mental Health and Wellness Fair. Flashback to the opening of the SPFHS Wellness Center here
- Thursday, Mar. 16th, 2pm Center for Parent Information and Resources-The Rights and Responsibilities of Students and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Monday, Mar. 20th 7pm, SPF SEPAG meeting at the SPF Library. This will be a "Caregiver Only" meeting.
- Thursday, Mar. 23rd, 12-1:30pm-SPAN- Welcome to Early Intervention
In the News:
- Governor Murphy noted in his Fiscal 2024 budget presentation, that "this budget will provide an additional $830 million in direct aid to our K-12 public school classrooms, for a total of almost $11 billion". New Jersey's Fiscal 2024 Budget brief shares details. Read how the SPF School District and Special Education is impacted here.
- The World Mourns the Passing of Disability Rights Activist - Judy Heumann
Tools you can use:
- Kean University College Steps-Kean University partners with the nonprofit College Steps to provide customized college support for students with learning and social challenges such as learning disabilities, autism and executive functioning deficits. College Steps supports students to achieve success in post-secondary education, work and life.
- SPAN-Scholarships for students with Disabilities
- ESCNJ-Equal Opportunity Support Services
At your Leisure:
- NJCIE, The Inclusion Think Tank Episode 21: Creating an Inclusive School Culture
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Developmental Disability Awareness Month is an opportunity to promote respect for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to increase awareness of the daily obstacles faced by these individuals and their families. This month is also a chance to provide understanding, encouragement and opportunities to help persons with developmental disabilities lead productive and fulfilling lives.Here's some educational info from the ARC of NJ about Developmental Disabilities awareness month.