SEPAG Update:

We are pleased to share the SPF Special Education Parent Advisory Group Brochure with you. 

We've listened to parent feedback and responded, as this brochure will serve as a means for parents and caregivers to access helpful resources, especially for those that may be new to Special Education, IEPs, 504s and the processes within.  It is a best practice used by many SEPAGs and will also aid in bringing awareness of the SPF SEPAG

The last SPF SEPAG meeting for the 2022-2023 school year will be on Monday, June 5th at the Board of Education Offices at 512 Cedar St., Scotch Plains. The meeting will also be accessible virtually, via Google meet. Meeting topics and details will be shared in the coming days. 

SPF Highlight:

Nettingham Middle school shared in their morning announcements on May 19th:

Here's a List of Special Education related resources, events and updates going on this week as well as during the month of June:

Tuesday, May 30th

Wednesday, May 31st

Thursday, June 1st


Later Events

Monthly Themes:

Wrapping up May-Mental Health Awareness Month

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. LRC shares several resources that are available in support of Mental Health Awareness Month. Here are a couple: 

  • Webinars | National Center for School Mental Health - Free webinars to promote high-quality, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive school mental health supports and services. Recordings and pdfs of past webinars are available as well.
  • Mental Health Month | NAMI - Browse resources for engagement during Mental Health Awareness Month, such as awareness information, social media images and graphics, an event guide with suggested activity descriptions, advocacy tools, and personal stories from people experiencing mental health conditions

In the News, Broadcasts  and other updates:

Tools you can use:

At your Leisure:

Reading Nook:

The Learning Resource Center:


Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info