SEPAG Update:
The SPF SEPAG held our May meeting on Monday, May 8th. We were pleased to have had representatives from our middle schools and from the Department of Special Services who presented on the changes, or transitions that occur as students move from 4th to 5th grade and 5th to 6th. Based on Parent/caregiver feedback, the SPF SEPAG understood that these topics were important and many parents/caregivers were eager to better understand how these transitions impact children who receive Special Education and Related services. Dr. Dumaresq (Principal at Nettingham) and Lauren Rogalin (LDTC at Nettingham) discussed topics specific to Nettingham MS, and Rasheeda Adams (LDTC at Terrill) covered the same topics as applied at Terrill MS. Details will be available once the May meeting minutes are approved, and can be found in the meeting minutes section of the Information tab on our site.
The last SPF SEPAG meeting for the 2022-2023 school year will be on Monday, June 5th.
SPF Highlight:
During the month of April, Autism Acceptance was widely celebrated in the SPF School District.
Here's a summary shared by Dr. Rebimbas of the activities that highlighted Autism Acceptance Month in our district.
Here's a List of Special Education related resources, events and updates going on this week:
May 14th-20th is Special Education Week in New Jersey, as proclaimed by Governor Phil Murphy. The theme for Special Education week is "Creating a Better World". In the proclamation, Gov. Murphy noted that more than 232,599 children receive special education instruction in New Jersey. He commended the work of teachers, parents, school administrators and others who support them. The proclamation also highlights "public school districts and private schools (that) make a major contribution to the public welfare by preparing thousands of exceptional persons to participate as citizens of this state and as members of society."
Monday, May 15th
- The ARC of NJ, 2023 Camp Guide from The Family Institute. This event took place live on FB at 10am. The link leads to the archive of the presentation as well as past "Mondays with Michael'' episodes.
Tuesday, May 16th
- 3pm- Center for Parent Information & Resources- Math Talk: Engaging Families and Creating Opportunities for Math Everywhere!
Wednesday, May 17th
- 4pm-Scotch Plains Public Library, Read with a Therapy Dog:Children are invited to practice their reading with a trained therapy animal at this program. This event will be held in the basement of the library. This program is for emerging readers who are in K-5th grade. Registration is required.
- 6pm- The ARC of NJ, PFAL Webinar Series-Parent's Perspective on Transitioning To Adulthood:The thought of planning for a student's life after they leave school can be overwhelming. Join us as we discuss with a parent and professional in the field how you can help prepare for life after your student leaves high school.
- 6:30pm-SPAN, Nutritional Health: Facts Everyone Should Know -SPAN LEAD project: The importance of good Nutrition Health helps to promote physical and mental health wellbeing through the lifespan. Proper nutrition provides support to aid in development from childhood into adult life for all individuals.
Thursday, May 18th
- 6pm-8pm- RWJBH Children's Specialized Hospital, Parent Workshop on positive Behavior Change
- 6:30pm-The ARC of NJ, Presentation: "I Used to Be Bullied for Having Autism: Here is When it Stopped," Autism advocate and internationally renowned speaker Dr. Kerry Magro will present "I Used to Be Bullied for Having Autism: Here is When it Stopped," at Warren Hills High School Auditorium.
- Monday, May 22nd, 7pm-SPAN-VIPs of the DOE: Key Staff at NJ Department of Education
- Monday, May 22nd, The ARC of NJ Self-Advocacy for Students (with The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project)
- Tuesday, May 23rd, 6:30pm- SPAN-Student-Led IEPs: A Path to Success
- Wednesday, May 24th, 6:30pm-Children's Specialized Hospital, Parent Workshop on Health and Wellness
Later Events
- June 1st, 12pm & 7pm-SPAN-Sand, Sun and Stories: How to Make Summer Reading Fun!
- June 6th & 13th- Union County Special Needs Events- Ceramics
- June 7th, 12pm-SPAN-Basic Rights in Special Education
- June 7th, 1pm-Learning Resource Center- Centering Neurodiversity: Elements of Inclusive Classrooms that Honor Students with Sensory, Movement and Communication Differences
- June-August 2023 NJDOE Office of Special Education-Summer Learning Institute
- June 9th, NJCIE Inclusion Leadership Conference
- June 20, 12:00PM-AAC in the Cloud 2023: The Power of One
- July 10-22-A Westside Experiment Young Actors Laboratory-IRT is a grassroots laboratory for independent theater and performance in New York City, providing space and support to a new generation of artists.
Monthly Themes:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
On May 23rd at 1pm -2:30pm, The US Department of Education presents How Family Engagement Can Support Student Mental Health and Well-being
Rowan University and its Learning Resource Center share several resources that are available in support of Mental Health Awareness Month. Here are a couple:
Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?A guide from NIH for parents and caregivers about when to seek help for their child, the first steps to take, possible assessment and treatment options, choosing a mental health professional, and working in partnership with their child's school. Includes a list of additional resources as well.
Time to Talk | Mental Health America-A guide for adolescents and teens on signs and symptoms that it's time to talk to someone about their mental health, tips for finding someone to talk to and getting the conversation started, and common concerns about sharing their mental health experiences with their parents.
In the News, Broadcasts and other updates:
Tools you can use:
Visit the State of New Jersey Parent Link for loads of information and resources such as health and wellness services, Summer planning, events and outdoor activities, developmental behavioral and mental health information and so much more!
At your Leisure:
The Inclusion Think Tank-Episode 25: Implementation Science and The Strategic Plan
Reading Nook:
The Learning Resource Center shares:
- Summer Reading: Start with a Book Learn about reading aloud with your family, choosing great kids' books, building background knowledge, developing fluency skills, strengthening vocabulary and word knowledge, and encouraging children to write. Resources include the opportunity to receive text messages with reading tips throughout the summer, a summer adventure tracker, and a summer book tracker.
- A curated list of resources on the importance of mental health.