We are looking forward to tomorrow's SPF SEPAG meeting at 7pm at the SPF Board of Education office. Attendees can join in person and there's also a virtual option for those that cannot attend in person. Meeting links and other meeting dates can be found here

The meeting will focus on effective collaboration with school administration. Guest Speaker will be School One Principal, Justin Fiory. Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to hear about the collaborative efforts of the School One SEPAG Liaisons, Principal Fiory and the School One staff, and the impact being made as a result. We look forward to seeing you there to learn about how sharing feedback can help the SEPAG bring awareness of possible systematic issues in order to share that with the District, to impact positive change for students receiving Special Education and Related Services. 

The SPF SEPAG is always seeking to connect with parents and caregivers. We are currently looking for parents who may be interested in supporting as a School Liaison. It's a volunteer, unelected role, which focuses on communication and gathering input. The only requirement is that Liaisons represent one of the public schools in the district in which they have at least one child receiving special services. 

Below are a few of the responsibilities of the SPF SEPAG School Liaison:

Serve as a point person for special education-related matters for their designated school for a term of 1 calendar year but may re-volunteer without limitation. 

Meet with the principal of their designated school at least twice per year to discuss the SPF SEPAG's priorities and how these priorities can be applied to the individual school matters. 

Report special education-related matters trending at their designated schools to the SPF SEPAG Co-Presidents, Secretary, and Public Relations Officer. 

Attend SPF SEPAG general meetings providing the parental input they've gathered.

A full listing of the role of SEPAG School Liaison can be found in the SPF SEPAG Bylaws.

If you are interested or know someone who may be, contact us at SPFsepagk12@gmail.com

The SPF SEPAG continues to gather feedback in order to provide informed input that can shed light on systemic matters and is useful to and actionable by the district. This form can be used to communicate information with us so that we can share with the district. Feel free to share with any other parents/caregivers that may find this communication useful. Case specific information should be shared with your Child's case manager.  


Survey on the future of SPF Public schools- In a swiftreach email the district communicated that "The SPF BOE are asking Scotch Plains and Fanwood residents to participate in a short survey to help guide the district toward a referendum that matches the community's priorities and our district's need for more space to accommodate student population growth, while still being responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars." Further details are noted in the communication. Here's the link that was shared to the survey

SPFHS Environmental Club communicated that their Trailside Service Project of fixing up a Sensory Trail for seniors was Saturday (11/11). 

SPFHS-The 70th Annual College and Career Night will take place at SPFHS on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 7:00-8:30 pm.  College and Career Night is a community project sponsored by the College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains in cooperation with the high school Counseling Department.  This informative night will give students and parents the opportunity to speak with representatives of many universities, colleges and professional programs, as well as representatives of employers and branches of the military. Visit the Counseling page for details and a list of Attendees.


Awards & Scholarships NJCEC-The NJCEC Annual Scholarship Program has a limited number of scholarships for high school seniors who have a diagnosed disability, are eligible for special education, and will be pursuing post-secondary education or training.  These may include 2 or 4 year colleges, technical schools, business schools, fine arts institutes, or other recognized programs.

The Arc of NJ-College Programs for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Scholarship Opportunities

SPAN-Education After High School

NorthJersey.com-A college search guide for students with disabilities: Local experts share their tips

New Jersey Monthly-NJ Colleges, Universities Offer Increasingly Inclusive Campus Cultures


Monday, Nov. 13th

10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-Making College a Reality. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes take place every Monday at 10am during the school year and feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr

7pm, SPF SEPAG Monthly meeting. In person at the SPF BOE office at 512 Cedar St. Scotch Plains and virtually via Google Meet here

Tuesday, Nov. 14th

12pm-SPAN-What is AT and Why Is It Important? The Training will provide you knowledge on why Assistive Technology is important.

7pm, Center for Parent Information and Resources-College Transition Series. College Accommodations: Why They Change and What is Commonly Available (or Not): A focus on college accommodations, which includes a short legal background, an overview of differences between the K-12 model and college model, a longer discussion of what accommodations are and aren't commonly available, and a walk through of a registration process and form, including information about what students have to do after they register and what documentation they have to provide. 

Wednesday, Nov. 15th

6pm-The Arc of NJ-PFAL Webinar Wednesday Series: What are ABLE Accounts, and How Can They Help Me Plan for My Child's Future?

Thursday, Nov.16th

7pm-National Parent Involvement Day (November 16, 2023)-US Department of Education Parent Partnership: Secretary Cardona and Friends Celebrate National Parent Involvement Day. This event is a call-to-action for parents and caregivers, educators, family engagement practitioners, state and local leaders, and organizations that support effective family engagement. 

Friday, Nov, 17th

1pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-Marvelous Math Apps WEBINAR. Join to learn about over a dozen math apps geared toward early math, elementary, middle, and high school.


Nov. 28th, 7pm-Terrill Middle School-Ask The Superintendent. A conversation with Dr. Mast, the SPF Board of Education, and members of the school district.

Nov. 30th, 7pm- The Winston School of Short Hills- Experience Dyslexia: A Speaker Series

Dec. 19th, 6:30pm- Children's Specialized Hospital-What is the Purpose & Function of a Behavior? Using simple techniques of ABA therapy


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. LRC shares these resources as a part of it's November theme of National Family Engagement Month & National Parental Involvement Day:

Take N.O.T.E. - Understood-A tool to empower you to gather the information you need and seek support from practitioners.  Includes resources for Noticing if something's going on with your child that is out of the ordinary; Observing and keeping track of patterns; Talking with other people who help support your child; and Engaging your child to get information and explore options for what to do next.

Who's Who in Your Child's School - Reading Rockets-There are many people at your child's school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially and emotionally, and navigate the school environment.  Here's a selected list of who's who, including the teaching and administrative staff as well as organizations at the district level.

Middle School Parent-Teacher Conference Guide - Today-Educational experts explain how expectations for parent-teacher conferences in middle school differ from expectations in elementary school and share tips on how families can navigate middle school conferences successfully.

Questions Often Asked by Parents about Special Education Services - Center for Parent Information & Resources-Answers to questions about the evaluation process, eligibility for special education services, and the development of an individualized education program (IEP).  Also available in Spanish.

Students Teaching Advocacy through Mentoring Program (STAMP)-LDANJ - STAMPNJ wants to "stamp out" feelings of shame and lack of information about learning disabilities through student mentoring and outreach to parents, teachers, and school administrators.  


FanwoodNJ.org- Union County Blue Envelope Program

TAPinto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-Participate in a Survey about the Future of Scotch Plains-Fanwood Public Schools

For Parent awareness-NJDOE: New Jersey Student Learning Assessment for Science (NJSLA-S) Committee Recruitment


SPAN Literacy

Talk With Your Child's Teacher-Many teachers say that they don't often receive information from parents about problems at home. Many parents say that they don't know what the school expects from their children—or from them. Sharing information is essential and both teachers and parents are responsible for making it happen. This online article, available in English and Spanish, provides steps you can take to develop a strong partnership with your child's teachers.

Accessible Instructional Materials: Basics for Families-This booklet will help you and other members of your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) team decide: (1) Whether the student needs AIM, (2) What type of specialized format the student needs, (3) How to access the materials for the student, and (4) What supports the student needs to use AIM.

The Learning Resource Center-11 Things to Do After an IEP Meeting

Understood.org- The Difference Between IEPS and 504 Plans


NJCIE- The Inclusion Think Tank- Episode 33: Why Should Parents Be Included in the Inclusive Education Conversation?

Best Colleges for Students with Disabilities in 2023

15 college programs for kids who learn and think differently


November is Picture Book Month

Mr. Lohn, the McGinn School Librarian shares books during his Read-A-Louds.  Here he reads There's Only One You, by Deborah Hembrook and Kathryn Heling


Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info

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