Reminder that the December SEPAG Meeting will be a parent/caregiver meeting. This format provides a great opportunity for parents familiar and unfamiliar with the SEPAG to meet and connect. The purpose is to converse and gather information related to Special Education, such as common experiences, in order to identify themes that we can then relay to the district in order raise awareness of systemic issues and impact positive change. The meeting will be held in the lower level of the Scotch Plains Library.
Please share any information that may be helpful, via this form. It is one of the many means that the SEPAG uses to gather information. It can be used ahead of our meeting to communicate topics and information so that we can prepare for our discussion. Feel free to share with any other parents/caregivers that may find this communication useful. Case specific information should be shared with your Child's case manager.
While registration has ended, for those that have registered for this event, here is a link to Special Education FAQs from the DOSS site that may be helpful.
Please consider asking general or district level Special Education questions to help us have representation at this Q& A ( case specific questions will likely not be answered at this event). The BOE meeting is also another opportunity to ask questions of the District.
The SPF Annual Strategic Plan Goals 2022 - 2023 is a great document to reference when participating in the Q&A. Goal 1, Objective 3, includes action points on Special Education: Increase opportunities for students of color/BIPOC/special education/ESL and other marginalized groups in all curricular and programmatic areas. Analyze data to increase these opportunities.
Monday, Nov. 27th
10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-NJDOE's Transition Toolkit. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes take place every Monday at 10am during the school year and feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr.
The Arc of NJ- How Series: Planning For Transition: Why It Is Vital For Your Student's Future.
Tuesday, Nov. 28th
7pm-Terrill Middle School-Ask The Superintendent. A conversation with Dr. Mast, the SPF Board of Education, and members of the school district.
7pm-SPAN-Section 504 and the American Disabilities Act
Wednesday, Nov. 29th
4pm-Scotch Plains Library-Paw Buddies. Children are invited to practice their reading with a trained therapy animal at this program.
5:30pm-Center For Parent Information & Resources-Effective Communication With the IEP Team. This workshop is for parents who are familiar with the special education process. It will teach communication strategies to help you advocate for your child at IEP team meetings, with a goal of helping shape your child's special education services and supports.
6:30pm-Children's Specialized Hospital-Parent/Caregiver Workshop: Finding Activities for your Special Needs Child - Children's Specialized Hospital
Thursday, Nov. 30th
12pm-SPAN-Student-Led IEPs: A Path to Success. When students are involved in their IEP meetings they engage in self determination and can practice decision-making skills.
8pm-SPF Board of Education Offices-SPF BOE Meeting
Dec. 4th, 12pm-SPAN-The Changing Role of Families & Youth During Transition
Dec. 6th, 5:30pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-Resolving Disputes Through the Special Education Process
Dec. 19th, 6:30pm- Children's Specialized Hospital-What is the Purpose & Function of a Behavior? Using simple techniques of ABA therapy.
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. LRC shares these resources as a part of it's November theme of National Family Engagement Month & National Parental Involvement Day:
Flamboyan Foundation- Family Engagement Matters
Center for Parent Information & Resources-The Unplanned Journey
For the month of December, the LRC focuses on several themes. We will share those that are specific to SEPAG related topics. Below are two of those themes:
International Day Of Persons With Disabilities: December 3rd
Ability-Bring the voices of people with diverse abilities into your classroom and create a learning environment that rejects ableism. These resources from Learning for Justice will help your students embrace diverse abilities and understand the injustices people with disabilities often encounter.
Dec. 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities -Resources from Zinn Education Project for teaching about the history of the disability rights movement, including articles, films, digital collections, websites, and news stories.
Inclusive Schools Week
Since 2001, educators, students, and families have used the first full week in December to celebrate the progress that schools have made in providing inclusive and equitable education to a diverse student population. It's also a time to reflect on what still needs to be done in order to ensure that schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. See what other educators, students, schools, and families are doing to celebrate by following #InclusiveSchoolsWeek and #InclusiveSchools on social media!
TAPinto-Westfield Teens Bring Communication Board, Inclusive Artwork to Playground
NJ DOE-Rowan University Sponsors Virtual Book Study at the Learning Resource Center-South
Understanding Special Education-Special Education FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Edutopia-3 Questions to Ask Your Special Education Professionals
Flashback- NJCIE-The Inclusion Think Tank Podcast:Episode 22: Using Inclusive Language in School----and Beyond
Mr. Lohn the McGinn School Librarian-Book Madness: Brave Every Day (Read By Mrs. Filipski)
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