The SPF SEPAG continues to communicate information about our next SEPAG meeting on
December 11, 2023 at 7pm in the lower level of the Scotch Plains Public Library. On Friday 12/01, an email about the meeting was shared via Swift Reach. We are hopeful that parents and caregivers will be able to attend and participate in our discussion.
Your Input Helps!
Please share any information that may be helpful, via this form. It is one of the many means that the SEPAG uses to gather information. It can be used ahead of our meeting to communicate topics and information so that we can prepare for our discussion. Feel free to share with any other parents/caregivers that may find this communication useful. Case specific information should be shared with your Child's case manager.
Spotlight on Collaboration
This past week, additional SEPAG Brochures were shared by the School One Liaisons as they continue to communicate and collaborate with the CST at that school. The request came after the Liaisons met with the Principal and Case Manager at School One. The brochures will be handed out during reevaluation and I&RS meetings. This is a great way to get parents and caregivers connected with the SPF SEPAG!
Nettingham Middle School Morning Announcements:
December is Universal Human Rights Month
Monday, Dec. 4th
10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-An Overview of Early Intervention (EI). Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes take place every Monday at 10am during the school year and feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr.
12pm-SPAN-The Changing Role of Families & Youth During Transition. This event is for families, Youth/Young adults with disabilities, and Adult System representatives.
Tuesday, Dec. 5th
7:30pm-The Arc of NJ-Building Bridges: College Pathways for Diverse Learners.Key highlights that will be explored in this workshop;Specialized programs designed to equip students for successful employment, Insights into various funding options to make college accessible, Strategies for crafting effective IEP goals that foster a seamless transition into higher education.
Wednesday, Dec. 6th
5:30pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-Resolving Disputes Through the Special Education Process. This webinar with a Q&A will help increase your awareness of dispute resolution options in the special education process
Thursday, Dec. 7th
12pm-SPAN-Basic Rights in Special Education. Basic Rights: An introduction to rights and responsibilities as parents of children with disabilities
Dec. 12th, 7pm-SPAN-Is Eyegaze Technology For You?This training will provide information, tips and tricks on this Assistive Technology.
Dec. 19th, 6:30pm- Children's Specialized Hospital-What is the Purpose & Function of a Behavior? Using simple techniques of ABA therapy.
Jan, 17th, 7pm-SPAN-Using a Strengths-Based Approach to an Inclusive Education
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information centers on the first week of December and the theme of Inclusive Schools Week:
Since 2001, educators, students, and families have used the first full week in December to celebrate the progress that schools have made in providing inclusive and equitable education to a diverse student population. It's also a time to reflect on what still needs to be done in order to ensure that schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. See what other educators, students, schools, and families are doing to celebrate by following #InclusiveSchoolsWeek and #InclusiveSchools on social media!
Publications | New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education -NJCIE has compiled and created resources, manuals, and guides for families and educators to support the implementation of inclusive practices, such as the "Inclusion Works! Parent Manual" and "How to Be a Good Influence to People with Disabilities."
Inclusion Basics: Philosophy and Practice of Inclusive Education -A short learning module from the Inclusive Schools Network that reviews the definition of inclusion, importance of inclusion, and barriers to inclusion.
Inclusive Education Practices | NJDOE -Resources centered on providing access to high-quality education for all students in an educational environment that is inclusive and rooted in the belief that everyone belongs, and everyone benefits.
Ian (Animated Short Movie)-An award winning short film inspired by a true story of a boy with cerebral palsy and his determination to join his peers at their local playground.
Additional Information about Inclusive Schools Week:
Inclusive Schools Network-Inclusive Schools Week
TapInto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Early) in Fanwood to Bring Gifts and Help Kids with Disabilities
The SPF Board of Education meeting was held on 11/30. The BOE SEPAG Liaison gave an update on SEPAG. The BOE Meeting Agenda can be viewed here. Some of the topics in the agenda are: High Impact Tutoring Grant, Special Education Settlement Agreement, Related Services Items. Discussion was also had on the bond referendum survey and participation results thus far.
SPAN-US Dept of Education, OSEP-Resources for Military Connected Children with Disabilities
SPAN Literacy:
Empowering Parents-This guide will help you build your child's literacy skills at home, recognize signs of trouble, support your child as she enters school, and more.
Is Your Child Benefiting from High-Quality Literacy Practices? This informational sheet outlines five considerations for literacy practices for struggling readers.
Center for Parent information shared these publications:
Child Mind Institute-Why Your Child With ADHD Has Such a Messy Room Dispute Resolution Parent Guides and Companion Videos
NCES.ED.GOV-Digest of Education Statistics
2023-24 SFUSD Libraries some titles for Inclusive Schools week
Children's Books Honored For Disability Narratives
The information on this website/newsletter is for general informational purposes only. SPF-SEPAG makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the information is solely at your own discretion. This website/newsletter may contain links to third party content that are not controlled or operated by the SPF SEPAG. Your use of third-party websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for those websites.