The SPF Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SPF-SEPAG) held our February meeting on 2/5/24. We held a discussion of our Bylaws and reviewed the role of SEPAG Liaison. We will continue to work together on amendments to our Bylaws in the coming weeks. Additionally we will be sending out a parent survey soon, as we continue to seek feedback. So be on the lookout for that. 

The next SEPAG meeting will be on March 11t at 7pm. Meeting Topics and further details will be shared prior to the meeting. 

We are always looking for parents who may be interested in joining the SEPAG. Being a School Liaison is one way to participate. It's a volunteer, unelected role, which focuses on communication and gathering input. Liaisons represent one of the public schools in the district in which they have at least one child receiving special services. 

Some responsibilities of the SPF SEPAG School Liaison are:

  • Serve as a point person for special education-related matters for their designated school. 
  • Meet with the principal of their designated school at least twice per year to discuss the SPF SEPAG's priorities.
  • Report special education-related matters trending at their designated schools to the SPF SEPAG Co-Presidents, Secretary, and Public Relations Officer. 
  • Attend SPF SEPAG general meetings providing the parental input they've gathered.

A full listing of the role of SEPAG School Liaison can be found in the SPF SEPAG Bylaws.

If you are interested or know someone who may be, contact us at SPFsepagk12@gmail.com

SPFK12 Highlights- The Fanscotian-Turning A Snowman's Frown Upside-Down: What Goes into Calling a SPF Snow Day?


Monday, Feb. 12th

10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-Revising Goals in Your Child's IEP. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr. 

Tuesday, Feb. 13th

12pm-SPAN-Paperwork for Families.Are you overwhelmed by the mountains of paperwork created by your child's school records? Not sure what to keep, what to toss? Want to be better prepared for that next meeting at school? Join us for this hands-on workshop to finally get those papers organized so you can more effectively advocate for your child.

12pm-SPAN-SEPAG Support Clinic. Resources and tips for your Special Education Parent Advisory Group.

Wednesday, Feb. 14th

1pm-Center for Parent Information and Resources-Planning an IEP Team Meeting When Your Child has Mental Health Challenges. This workshop will provide parents and others with information to help them prepare for a positive IEP team meeting to support their child's mental health needs in school. Participants will work through an example of an IEP, discuss what each section means, learn how to advocate for changes, and more.


Feb. 21st, 1pm-SPAN-Intervention & Referral Services: Understanding How it Works

Feb. 21st, 6pm-The Arc of NJ-PFAL WEBINAR WEDNESDAY SERIES: Tips To A Smooth Transition In Switching From A Pediatrician To Adult Primary Care

Feb. 22nd, 6:30pm-Children's Specialized Hospital-Support on the Journey: Pressure Points in Special Education - Intersection of Legal and Clinical Issues - Children's Specialized Hospital

Feb. 22nd, 7pm-SPAN- Basic Rights in Special Education

Feb. 22nd, 1pm- ADDitude- An Educator's Guide to Fortifying Executive Function

Feb. 25th, 10am JCC of Central New Jersey-Special Needs Resource Fair

Mar. 5th, 6:30pm-SPAN-Virtual Gathering on Stress Management and Self Care

Mar. 7th, 7pm-Morris-Union Jointure Commission (MUJC)-Online Parent Awareness Workshop Promoting Routine & Structural Strategies at Home to Prevent Problem Behaviors.


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information is a selection of some of the resources and information shared by the LRC as they highlight Awareness Themes for the month of February

February is Black History Month

Celebrating and Learning about Black History and Culture - Explore this source by Reading Rockets that highlights children's books; interviews with Black authors, illustrators, poets, and storytellers; activities for the classroom, home, and community; online history resources; and powerful documentaries that center the lives and contributions of African Americans.

PBS Learning Media | Black History Month | PBS KIDS -This video provides a brief overview of why we celebrate Black History Month and introduces some legendary African Americans.

Random Acts of Kindness Week

100 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas -Small gestures can really brighten a person's day. These "random acts of kindness" are surefire ways to spread smiles and kindness wherever you go.

The Science of Kindness | Random Acts of Kindness Foundation -Learn about the science behind kindness that makes it so important.

15 Kindness Quotes for Kids | Inspire Kindness -Motivate students to build kindness in their daily lives with these inspiring quotes.


TapInto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School Juniors Required to Fill Out Student Aid Forms

(Sharing this For general Awareness)NJDOE-New Jersey Tiered System of Supports for Early Reading: Data-Based Decision Making to Improve Early Reading Instruction. "The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is pleased to extend an opportunity for leadership teams and educators serving students in grades Kindergarten to grade three to participate in a virtual professional development Community of Practice opportunity. This opportunity will give educators and administrators the opportunity to learn more about establishing and implementing a multi-tiered system of support designed to provide science-based early literacy instruction and intervention." 


Center for Parent Information and Resources

Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504

Special Education- Includes information on topics such as IDEA, Adaptations and Modifications, and an overview of Special Education.

NJDOE- Office of Special Education-Inclusive Education Practices


NJCIE (New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education-The Power of Language in Inclusive Education: Shaping Perspectives on Students with Disabilities By Dr. Jessica McQueston


Good Different, written by Meg Eden Kuyatt and published by Scholastic Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc. "An extraordinary novel-in-verse about a neurodivergent girl who comes to understand and celebrate her difference."-American Library Association

Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info

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