Members of the SPF SEPAG attended the JCC Special Needs Resource Fair today, February 25th, from 10am-2pm at the JCC of Central NJ, at 1391 Martine Ave.
Members were able to share information about SPF SEPAG and encourage those interested to review our site for further information.
SEPAG members engaged with and met organizations whose resources can be helpful to families of, and students receiving Special education and Related Services.
Those resources will be shared via the resources tab on our site in the coming days.
SEPAG Meeting ( Updated to reflect a change to the date of the meeting)
The next SEPAG meeting will be on March 18th at 7pm. This meeting will be a Parent/Caregiver only meeting and will take place in the lower level of the Scotch Plains Library.
We welcome Parents/Caregivers to come and engage with the SEPAG. It is our goal to gather feedback to share with the district. This forum will allow for open discussion of topics and concerns related to Special Education and Related Services.
For all SEPAG meeting dates and topics visit the meeting information tab on the SEPAG site.
Prior meetings' Minutes can be found on our website here for your viewing.
SPF K12 Highlights
SPF High School Communicated on 2/23:
There will be a purple photo wall in the main hall lobby to celebrate P.S. I Love You Day where you can take selfies or photos with friends. This year's theme is Love is Meant to be Given. We encourage all to spread Mental Health Awareness and Kindness & to spread love to the world, others, and, most importantly, yourself.
In an email sent to parents/Caregivers on 2/21, SPF Schools Superintendent Dr. Mast, communicated details about an upcoming parent/caregiver workshop, "How to talk to Children about the Grief in the World" which will take place on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Media Center at SPFHS. Registration is required because spaces are limited.
Sunday, Feb. 25th
10am-2pm-JCC of Central New Jersey-Special Needs Resource Fair
Tuesday, Feb. 27th
6:30pm-The ARC of NJ-HOW SERIES: SOS! Strategies Of Success for Parents of Students with Less Intensive Needs For Support
Wednesday, Feb. 28th
10am-ESCNJ-Parent Support Program-Increased Self-Regulation, Attention and Participation in Functional Tasks through Sensory Integration
7pm-The ARC of NJ-HOW SERIES: Planning For Transition: Why It Is Vital For Your Student's Future
Thursday, Feb. 29th
5pm-The ARC of NJ-Preparing To Get The Most Out Of Your High School Experience
Saturday, Mar. 2nd
11am Scotch Plains Library-Saturday Storytime – Read Across America. The Scotch Plains Fanwood Education Association is collaborating with Fabio's Bistro for a special event to promote Read Across America and celebrate a nation of diverse readers at the Scotch Plains library. Teachers will volunteer to read various diverse books to promote different perspectives to help kids understand how others think and feel. Every child that attends and participates in our planned activities at this event will receive a $1 pizza coupon to use at Fabio's Bistro. The first 100 children to participate will not only receive a pizza coupon, but enter in a Read Across America Raffle.
Registration is not required for this event.
Mar. 5th, 6:30pm-SPAN-Virtual Gathering on Stress Management and Self Care
Mar. 7th, 7pm-SPAN-Parent Involvement in Special Education: Overview of Rights
Mar. 7th, 7pm-Morris-Union Jointure Commission (MUJC)-Online Parent Awareness Workshop Promoting Routine & Structural Strategies at Home to Prevent Problem Behaviors.
Mar. 7th, 6:30 pm-Children's Specialized Hospital-Support on the Journey: Pressure Points in Special Education- Intersection of Legal and Clinical Issues (Session 2)
Mar. 18th, 2pm-RAISE Center Webinar-Getting on the Same Page: Helping Families and Youth to "Think College"
Mar. 21st, 6:30pm-Children's Specialized Hospital-Support on the Journey: Pressure Points in Special Education- Intersection of Legal and Clinical Issues (Session 3)
Mar. 23rd, 11am-Union County College (Cranford)-Spring Special Needs Resource Fair & Family Fun Day
Wrapping up February & Black History Month
The National Council on Developmental Disabilities-Celebrating Black History: A Focus on Disability
The Fanscotian-The Lasting Legacy of Malcolm E. Nettingham: Malcolm V. Nettingham Discusses his Father's Legacy at History Club Meeting
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information is a selection of some of the resources and information shared by the LRC as they highlight Awareness Themes for the month of March.
March is Deaf History Month
History Through Deaf Eyes Online Exhibit | Gallaudet University -An online exhibit highlighting significant aspects of Deaf history and culture, including the formation of a community; language and identity; community building; and awareness, access, and change. Photographs and primary source documents are included throughout.
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month - NACDD - Explore resources that highlight the celebration and inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities. Their annual resource guide includes organizations, videos, podcast episodes, social media tips and examples, texts and toolkits, and events.
March is Youth Art Month
Learning Disabilities and the Arts by the National Center for Learning Disabilities -LDOnline provides an overview of the benefits of incorporating the arts into educational experiences for students with learning disabilities.
March is Music in Our Schools Month
14 musicians who learn and think differently | Understood - Learn about fourteen famous singers, songwriters, and performers who've reached musical heights with challenges like dyslexia, ADHD, and dyscalculia.
NJDOE-NJ Department of Environmental Protection: Electric School Bus Grant Program Announcement
(For Awareness) NJDOE-Upcoming Local Special Education Determination Information Sessions
TapInto Scotch Plains Fanwood-Scotch Plains-Fanwood SPFK12 District Releases Calendar for 2024-25 Academic Year
SPAN Youth Hub Blog- How To Be Assertive. "Communication is a life skill but requires different tones and types. Assertiveness is an essential tool and tone to express calmly and collectedly while refusing to be pushed around or ignored."
RAISE Center Blog-How To Combat The Stigma Of Invisible Disabilities, By Sarah Jeanne Browne
NJCIE-The Inclusion Think Tank Podcast-Episode 39: A Family's Journey to Inclusion
McGinn School Librarian Mr. Lohn, Reads The Invisible Boy
Sam's Super Seats by Keah Brown
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