Reminder, that tomorrow's SPF SEPAG meeting will be a parent/caregiver only meeting, that will be held at 7pm in the lower level of the Scotch Plains Library. We look forward to the open discussion format and welcome parents/caregivers to engage with the SEPAG. It is our goal to gather feedback to share with the district. This forum will allow for open discussion of topics and concerns related to Special Education and Related Services. 

For all SEPAG meeting dates and topics visit the meeting information tab on the SEPAG site. 

Prior meetings' Minutes can be found on our website here for your viewing.

Weekly Communication Note:

In light of next week being Spring Recess, there will be no SEPAG Weekly Communication for the week of 3/24. 

SPF K12 Highlights & Information 

Speaking to Children About Grief, A Parent/Caregiver Workshop-Registration is required because spaces are limited.

SPF Board of Education meeting 3/21/2024 at 8pm 

TapInto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-"Today's Students, Tomorrow's Leaders," School One in Scotch Plains Hosts SEL/Career Day Event

SPFHS Mental Health Awareness Club's 2nd Annual Wellness Night- Apr. 4th, 2024


Monday, Mar. 18th

10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-School Discipline When the Child Has an IEP. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr. 

2pm-RAISE Center Webinar-Getting on the Same Page: Helping Families and Youth to "Think College"

7:30pm, The Center for Parent Information & Resources-Special Education Paperwork and the Power of the Prior Written Notice (PWN). Learn about the purpose of the paperwork, what needs to be kept and for how long, and the all-important Prior Written Notice.

Tuesday, Mar. 19th

1pm Center for Parent Information & Resources-Section 504: What Parents and Students Need to Know

Wednesday, Mar. 20th

7:30pm, The Center for Parent Information & Resources- Effective Communication: How is the Year Going?

Thursday, Mar. 21st

6:30pm, Children's Specialized Hospital-Support on the Journey: Pressure Points in Special Education- Intersection of Legal and Clinical Issues (Session 3) 

7pm, SPAN- Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) Family Literacy Event. Taking a Closer Look: Early Reading Resources & Activities.


Mar. 23rd, 11am-Union County College (Cranford)-Spring Special Needs Resource Fair & Family Fun Day

Mar. 26th, 12pm SPAN-Look to the Future: Transition From School to Adult Life

Mar. 28th, 7pm- SPAN-Creating Agreement: Working Together to Resolve Conflict.

Apr. 4th, 7pm-Scotch Plains Public Library-Connecting Beyond Distance: Navigating Social Anxiety in a Post-COVID World

Apr. 16th, 7:30pm-Westfield Special Education Committee: Managing Anxiety

Apr. 20th, 10am-12pm- Union County Autism Acceptance Celebration

Apr. 25th, 6pm SPAN-All Kids Belong: The Importance of LRE/Inclusion


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information is a selection of some of the resources and information shared by the LRC as they highlight Awareness Themes for the month of March

March is Deaf History Month

Finding Pictures: Deaf History Month - A webinar from the Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division showcasing photographs and prints of Deaf people, notable figures, education, careers, and activities.  See the corresponding post outlining a few images discussed, as well as the Teacher's Guides and Analysis Tool from the Library of Congress that would be helpful when analyzing any kind of primary source with students.

5 Deaf Educators Share Inclusivity Tips to Embrace in Your Classroom - National Geographic asked five Deaf educators what we should know about Deaf culture, Deaf history, ASL, and Deaf education in order to be more inclusive.

Sign Language that African Americans Use is Different from that of Whites | Washington Post - Explains the historical development of ASL and Black ASL and explores the diversity present within Deaf culture.

March is Women's History Month

Women's Rights National Historical Park - This U.S. National Park's website offers information about the Declaration of the Sentiments, which was shared at the Women's Rights Convention in 1848, and other resources on the important people, places, and stories of the women's rights movement. Check out their virtual tours and distance learning programs as well!

March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities - The Division of Developmental Disabilities assures the opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities to receive quality services and supports, participate meaningfully in their communities and exercise their right to make choices.

March is Youth Art Month

Learning Disabilities and the Arts by the National Center for Learning Disabilities - LDOnline provides an overview of the benefits of incorporating the arts into educational experiences for students with learning disabilities.

March is Music in Our Schools Month

TeachRock -A nonprofit open educational resource for teachers of all disciplines seeking to be culturally responsive by incorporating popular music in their lessons as source materials. Browse special collections and unit plans or filter lessons by grades, subjects, genres, activities, and topics. Requires free registration to fully access materials. Includes student-facing materials as well.


NJDOE- (For Educators and for general awareness)-Kindergarten to Grade 12 Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Training Opportunities



Office of Special Education Toolkit 

Topic 1: Pre meeting Preparation

Topic 2: Developing Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Topic 3: Writing Goals and Objectives


The Arc of NJ Podcast: Tell Us About... The Autism Spectrum. This episode features a conversation with Dr. Suzanne Buchanan, the Executive Director of Autism New Jersey, a licensed psychologist, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Doctoral (BCBA-D).

Child Mind Institute-Social Media and Self-Esteem

NJCommonGroud.org-The Role and Impact of NJ Special Education Advisory Groups (SEPAGs)


Creating a School Where Students Soar, by School One Student Assistance Specialist Lori Lidifsky, LCSW

Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info

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