In the coming weeks, the SPF SEPAG will be sending out a survey to parents/caregivers. This survey will be helpful in gaining information that can be shared with the district. Be on the lookout for the survey and we look forward to your feedback.
SEPAG Meeting ( Updated to reflect a change to the date of the meeting)
The next SEPAG meeting will be on March 18th at 7pm. This meeting will be a Parent/Caregiver only meeting and will take place in the lower level of the Scotch Plains Library.
We welcome Parents/Caregivers to come and engage with the SEPAG. It is our goal to gather feedback to share with the district. This forum will allow for open discussion of topics and concerns related to Special Education and Related Services.
For all SEPAG meeting dates and topics visit the meeting information tab on the SEPAG site.
Prior meetings' Minutes can be found on our website here for your viewing.
SPF K12 Highlights & Information
The Fanscotian-Cabaret For A Cause: Raising Money for LifeTown
Monday, Mar. 11th
10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-Functional Behavioral Assessments. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr.
Tuesday, Mar. 12th
7pm-SPAN-Essential Components of the IEP. This workshop provides participants with a review of the essential components of an Individualized Education Plan. As a result of this workshop, participants will better understand the IEP document and the parent's role in developing an IEP.
Wednesday, Mar. 13th
3pm, The Center for Parent Information and Resources-Assistive Technology Supports for Math. Offered by PACER:Join this workshop to learn about math tools that can help build math skills for all ages and levels.
Thursday, Mar. 14th
10am-Nettingham Middle School-Ask The Superintendent
7pm-SPAN-Early Literacy: What's Happening in New Jersey Schools. Review how districts are addressing the science of reading. Discuss how students can receive the support they need to read. Learn about initiatives impacting literacy in schools.
Mar. 18th, 2pm-RAISE Center Webinar-Getting on the Same Page: Helping Families and Youth to "Think College"
Mar. 19th, 1pm Center for Parent Information & Resources-Section 504: What Parents and Students Need to Know
Mar. 21st, 6:30pm-Children's Specialized Hospital-Support on the Journey: Pressure Points in Special Education- Intersection of Legal and Clinical Issues (Session 3)
Mar. 23rd, 11am-Union County College (Cranford)-Spring Special Needs Resource Fair & Family Fun Day
Mar. 28th, 7pm- SPAN-Creating Agreement: Working Together to Resolve Conflict.
March 24th, at 7pm, SPFHS Media Center-Speaking to Children About Grief, A Parent/Caregiver Workshop Registration is required.
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information is a selection of some of the resources and information shared by the LRC as they highlight Awareness Themes for the month of March.
March is Deaf History Month
History Through Deaf Eyes Online Exhibit | Gallaudet University- An online exhibit highlighting significant aspects of Deaf history and culture, including the formation of a community; language and identity; community building; and awareness, access, and change. Photographs and primary source documents are included throughout.
Helen Keller: Author, Advocate, and Activist - A PBS Learning Media lesson plan for grades 3-7 in which students learn about Helen Keller's accomplishments and advocacy work through viewing a short video, examining photographs, and reading excerpts of her autobiography. Includes discussion questions, learning activities, and resources for background information.
March is Women's History Month
Women's History: Famous Women - Through articles, timelines, and videos, covers historical milestones and women who pioneered to contribute honorable notions for society and the world.
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities - The NJCDD engages in advocacy, collaboration, and education to fulfill their vision that all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) are participating, equally-included members of their communities. Get involved by participating in one of their programs or special projects, reading their quarterly magazine, attending a virtual meeting, or browsing their list of resources!
March is Youth Art Month
Youth Art Month -AENJ will be posting results from the 2023 Youth Art Month Design Contest, as well as suggested activities to celebrate YAM.
Studio Access Video Library | UpStream Arts - Short arts-learning videos for people of all ages and abilities. Filter by artistic discipline, language (including ASL, English, Somali and Spanish), and social skill!
March is Music in Our Schools Month
Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®) | National Association for Music Education - The official website for Music In Our Schools Month® will guide you through resources and ways to celebrate music education this month.
NJDOE Office of Special Education- Special Education In Action Newsletter Issue 10-February/March 2024
NJDOE Broadcasts-The New Jersey Deaf Student's Bill of Rights Virtual Presentation for Families
TapInto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-Scotch Plains Resident Ian McCormack Recognized as "Unsung Hero" by NJ School Boards Association
TapInto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-State to Bump Scotch Plains-Fanwood SPFK12 School District Funding by $1M+ in Fiscal Year 2025
Cadre (The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education)-Working Together Series. "These online courses provide families and educators with a number of strategies for working together and through conflict, IEP, Dispute resolution."
ADDitude-Your Free Guide to the 40 Best Accommodations for Children with ADHD or LD
SPAN LIteracy-Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Basics for Families
NJCIE- The Inclusion ThinkTank Podcast- Episode 40: A Family's Journey to Inclusion, Part 2. This is part two of Arthur's conversation with Maureen from IncludeNJ and a parent who is advocating for her child to be included in the classroom. Listen to find out what advice our guest has for districts and other parents who are working toward a more inclusive environment for their students.
A Bird Will Soar, written by Alison Green Myers. The story of "a bird-loving autistic boy whose disability strongly shapes his identity".
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