During the May SEPAG meeting, a motion for the by-law revision to be approved was motioned, seconded and put to a vote.  The by-laws were unanimously voted on to be revised as proposed.

The Election Committee was responsible for gathering all nominations and informing nominees of their positions.  Effective July 1, 2024, and based on by-laws that will be taking effect on the same date the following people will be in the executive board:

Peter Falco's current term has been extended one year as Co-President.

Suzanne Schneider will serve as Co-President for a two year term.

Leilani Fevrier will serve a two year term in Public Relations.

Beth Greisman will serve a one year term as Secretary.

The SEPAG would like to congratulate the new Executive Board on their roles, and thank the current Executive Board for their hard work and dedication to the SPF SEPAG.  Thank you to the Election Committee for helping assist with gathering nominations and communicating with nominees.  Additionally, thank you to all that made nominations, that contributed to the revision of the by-laws, and taking part in the vote.

We look forward to seeing you all at our year-end meeting, Monday June 3rd at 7PM (location TBD due to construction at the BOE).

All SEPAG meeting information can be viewed here on the SEPAG site.

SEPAG Meeting minutes from prior meetings can also be viewed here. Please note that Parent/caregiver meetings' notes are not posted/shared in the interest of confidentiality.

SPF K12 Highlights & Information

The District held a Future Ready Virtual Community Forum. See that and information on the 9/17 bond referendum at spfk12.org/future


Monday, May 20th

10am-The Arc of NJ- Mondays With Michael (FB live)-ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts. Mondays with Michael is a Facebook Live series that addresses individual topics related to special education. Episodes feature a 10-15 minute discussion with The Arc of New Jersey's Director of Children's Advocacy, Michael Pearson Jr. 

 7pm-SPAN-Special Education Parent Leader Roundtable- Spring 2024

Tuesday, May 21st

1pm-Center for Parent Information & Resources-Marvelous Math Apps:"Are your kiddos frustrated by math? Are you looking for new ways to teach or practice concepts? Join us as we share over a dozen math apps geared toward early math, elementary, middle, and high school."

6:30pm-Span-Look to the Future: Transition From School to Adult Life

Wednesday, May 22nd

4pm- Scotch Plains Library-Paw Buddies. Children are invited to practice their reading with a trained therapy animal at this program. This event will be held in the basement of the library. This program is for emerging readers who are in K-5th grade.

Thursday, May 23rd

Various dates-Union County Recreation Programs for Persons with Disabilities, including Paint in the Park, Sensory Friendly Summer Camp


June 4th, 10am-Children's Specialized Hospital-Navigating the Journey: Ask the Therapists - Psychologist, Speech & Occupational Therapists - Children's Specialized Hospital

June 5th, 10am-SPAN-Basic Rights in Special Education

June 11th, 11am-SPAN-Family Engagement: Summer Learning and Activities


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network is a project of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education funded through IDEA Part B funds. The materials and resources at the LRC's are provided to support the education of students with disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. The following information is a selection of some of the resources and information shared by the LRC as they highlight topics for the month of May

Better Hearing and Speech Month

May Is Better Hearing and Speech Month | Noisy Planet - Noise-induced hearing loss typically develops slowly over time. Noisy Planet provides preteens, as well as their parents, caregivers, and educators, with tools and information to adopt healthy hearing habits. Learn more about What Parents Can Do to Protect Kids' Hearing, explore their Teacher Toolkit, or watch a video about the Journey of Sound to the Brain.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage? -A guide from NIH for parents and caregivers about when to seek help for their child, the first steps to take, possible assessment and treatment options, choosing a mental health professional, and working in partnership with their child's school. Includes a list of additional resources as well.

For Educators | MentalHealth.gov - Educators are often the first to notice mental health problems. Learn the warning signs, who to turn to in your school when concerns arise, and how to support the mental health of all your students.

Mental Health Month | NAMI - Browse resources for engagement during Mental Health Awareness Month, such as awareness information, social media images and graphics, an event guide with suggested activity descriptions, advocacy tools, and personal stories from people experiencing mental health conditions.


NJDOE-New Jersey Department of Education Seeks Input on Information Literacy Standards

NJDOE-Procedures for Special Education Due Process Hearings

TapInto Scotch Plains/Fanwood-Scotch Plains-Fanwood BOE Hosts Virtual Meeting on Sept. Bond Referendum


Center for Parent Information and Resources-Raise a Span Project: Careers in the Arts Toolkit, produced by the National Endowment for the Arts

NJDOE Office of Special Education-Educational Planning Guide for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

NJDOE Office of Special Education-New Office of Special EducationE-Learning Opportunities


NJCIE- The Inclusion ThinkTank Podcast:Episode 43: The Benefits of Inclusive Education, Part 1.

National Center for Learning Disabilities:Mental Health Awareness Month: Understanding the Landscape for those with Learning Disabilities


Speech Bubbles 1, Melissa Palmer

Visit our site spf-sepag.blogspot.com for more info

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